I Got You A Gift (2)

Katherine was left more than puzzled when her eyes landed on what was inside the box. She was hoping to find a ring, or maybe a bracelet at most since the box was really small. But all she saw was a bunch of keys which looked pretty rustic to her.

"What are these?" Katherine pulled the bunch out of the box and waved them before Blake's face. "Are these the keys to some sort of underground dungeon we have here?" She scoffed looking at the tattered state of the keychain. 

"Not really a dungeon, but something which can be useful to you." Blake laughed at his sister's words. 

"An underground basement where I could hide all my future boyfriends?" Katherine shook her head as she tried to push him into a corner. She was hoping that he would mutter out something because she had no clue about where this was going. 

"You are funny." Blake faked a laugh. In all honesty, he wasn't amused by her response even in the slightest bit.