Enough About Me

"What's with the frown on your forehead?" Blake couldn't help but ask him.

"It's nothing much." Adam replied with a shake of his head. "By the way, where were you?" 

"I was just giving Katherine her gift." Blake paused for the briefest of seconds and eyed his facial expressions. Something was definitely bugging Adam's mind, Blake could see it. "Enough about me. What is it that is troubling you?" 

"There's nothing. Like I said, I was looking for you." Adam shook his head. "By the way, where are the others?" 

"Katherine is in my study, swooning over the model of her studio." Blake rolled his eyes as he replied to him. "She got too emotional over it, and I had a hard time getting her to stop. It was one big emotional mess up there." He chuckled a little. "The good thing is that I did succeed in the end, so it's all good now."