I Didn't Go Back On My Words

Lillian saw Blake making his way back to the counter. He was no longer sporting the wet, black shirt. Instead, there was a half sleeved t-shirt which was hugging his toned torso in its place. 

She continued to stare at him without saying anything in response. 

"Stop staring at me, or your eyes might come out." Blake took a jab at her without even looking in her direction. He had all of his attention directed at the cabinet as he searched for the right size of pan. 

"I am not staring. It's just that I haven't seen you wearing a shirt with half sleeves." She shared her thoughts with him. "What are you doing by the way?" At the same time, she couldn't help but ask him about the things which were going through his mind. 

"I am thinking about cooking something." He answered her without paying her curiosity much attention. 

"For me?" Lillian was left somewhat astounded as her mind processed his words.