Golden Corals

A deep wide red car pulled before the entrance of a building which had the words 'Golden Corals' flashing on top of it with neon lights. 

The wheels had only come to a halt when a valet rushed towards it. It didn't require the staff there to pay much attention to who was sitting inside the tinted windows to know that Blake had arrived. They were all too familiar with his cars, and the number plates as well. 

Blake stepped outside the car and walked past the valet who had greeted him with a nod. He walked around the car, to the other door and helped Lillian in getting down without getting her dress stuck in the process. He was careful with his movements as not to make it awkward for her. 

"You okay?" He mumbled under his breath as his eyes came to rest on her face. 

"Y-yeah." She bobbed her head up and down but didn't bother to pay him any attention. Her curiosity filled eyes were roaming around, taking in her surroundings.