Orange Juice Shots

"Will you, really?" Clare was still somewhat doubtful of his words. She could see that he was being honest with her, but unless he actually acted on his words, nothing was going to change in between the two of them. 

But since she really wanted things to work out between them, she was willing to give him a chance—she was willing to give 'them' a chance. 

"I will try my best with my utmost sincerity." Blake gave her firm nod. He meant what he said, and he was willing to try things her way.

"The moment you act out, I will leave. There won't be any more chances." Clare didn't forget to remind him that it was the only chance he was going to get. 

"Fine by me." He agreed to her right away. Blake knew better than anyone else to know when to stop. If things were really not working in between two people, then there was no point in prolonging the agony, and avoiding the inevitable.

He knew better to do either of them.
