The Real Deal (1)

"Shall we?" He offered her his hand once again which she took with a slight casual shrug. 

Her eyes roamed around to see the interior of the place as she stepped out of the elevator. The curiosity which lit them up could brighten up the entire hall if it wasn't for her attempt to hold it back. 

Never in her life had she imagined stepping inside such a luxurious resort, only to bring it all down—in her own good time. 

"You doing good?" Ethan spoke up, trying to get some of her attention back. For some reason, he didn't like seeing her all quiet.

"Yes. Thank you for asking." Lillian gave him a side glance along with a small smile as she replied to him. She was trying her best to act as politely as she could manage. 

"So this is it?" She trailed her eyes back to her surroundings as she tried to process her thoughts. "I was expecting it to be a little less… inviting." It was hard for her to fish out the right word which could describe her surroundings.