Exchange Of Blows

"Are you ready?" There was a mischievous smirk playing across Blake's lips as the question left them. 

His eyes were narrowed down on Lillian's figure who was standing across the room, glaring back at him. She wanted to say a lot of things just so she could put him in his place. But she knew her limits. 

No matter how he ends up treating her, he was her Boss. Moreover, she would forever be in his debt. The latter was what kept her going and made her strong enough to resist the temptations that had recently found their way into her heart. 

"Are you ready or not?" He repeated his question when he didn't get a reply from her. His lips only curled up in a sinister smile when he saw her walking across the room to join him.

"I am." She mumbled in response as she stepped inside the ring.