Don't you dare

A long and wide table was what welcomed Lillian's eyes as soon as she stepped inside the dining hall. The entire length of the table was filled with a huge number of pots; she could even see steam coming out of a few of them even with the kids on. 

Though she was somewhat impressed, she had a frown marring her forehead as she stepped further inside the room. No matter how hard she tried to look, she couldn't find an empty chair. At least, there was none close to where she was standing. This had her wondering about so many things. 

Were things really like this in this household? Or, was it just nothing but an act which they were putting on because they had some guests over? 

Whatever the reason was behind it, Lillian was having a hard time figuring out. This also reminded her of some other things. She had been wanting to ask Blake a couple of questions since they arrived there, but she kept forgetting about them. All because of what was happening around her.