I will sacrifice the world for you

Sumire glanced over at Yuhi, who was fast asleep and sighed. It seems like she has underestimated him a bit. When they returned to the library to fetch their stuff, Sumire saw all the books scattered with multicolored post notes. Yuhi casually put her down, and she watched him put everything in his bag. She thought she understood him, but it seems like she doesn't.

Yuhi is equally serious about investigating what happened with Ru.

She wondered what that person meant to him. Was Ru important to Yuhi too? Sumire never understood their relationship, but they were friends, right? If that is the case, then he must be upset too. Did he have time to grieve?

Whenever Sumire thought of the word grieve, she would think of their mutual friends.

I left so suddenly like that and only formed three people. Are they worried? They just lost Mamoru, and then I disappear on them like that.

When he is fast asleep, he almost looks like a child.