It doesn't matter what I say

Whenever he has an attack Yuhi felt somebody is forcibly taking his soul from him.

It feels as though something will come crashing down...

It's like that. It feels as though somebody is pulling him into a pitch black world.

His deep thoughts broke off, when the doors opened. A familiar voice rang through his ears, " Can I come in...Yuhi?"

The curtain was pulled open, revealing a certain brunette and amethyst coloured eyes girl. The person whom he had been waiting for to arrive, the person whom he returned for. "Aika said I should come so..."

He watches as het gaze fell onto his wounded arm wrapped in bandages.

Tears automatically fell from the girl's eyes, causing his own eyes to widen. Yuhi instantly reached his left arm towards and the brunette came rushing forward, and at the same time they embraced each other.

His single arm wrapped around her and both her arms wrapped around him.