The Red Queen Theory Part 1

Meanwhile back with Yuhi. He was amid having a serious discussion with Shin.

"Thanks for doing this, I know it's risky for you."

Shin shook his head, "It's fine. Or rather since I snuck those documents successfully. He probably wanted me to bring them to you. Even with my skills, I wouldn't have been able to hack without him noticing."

"I know."

From the moment Yuhi first met him, he got that sort of impression from that guy. It was the same as him, the same vibe. Whenever that guy looked at Sumire, he likes her, but it's not just that. Shin willing to risk so much for her sake, a feeling that resembles the one he has for her. But the methods are different. That must be why Sumire acts like that towards him.

"Still, it's rare for you to admit someone is better than you at hacking."

"Please, even I know there are many better people, and it's easy to admit defeat when you see a better candidate."