Come back to me

Ru's child.. that sentence kept echoing in her head like some trance, and she felt the tears well up in her eyes. Oh no, this isn't good. She does not want Sano of all people to see her like this.

But, right now, she cannot hold her tears back. Right at that moment, the windows burst open, and a strong gust of wind blew. But there was something gentle about this wind. It lifted her off the bed, and soon she was in a familiar person's embrace.


"Sorry." Yuhi hugged her tightly. "I should have been the first person to tell you since I noticed it, but I didn't due to my feelings. I thought if you knew it was his, then you would leave me."

Despite her weakened state, how could she miss the fear in his eyes? His trembling shoulders? She wanted to scold him for doubting her, but right now, that did not matter at all.