I have to face the truth

Before Sumire could ask him anything else, the doors opened, revealing Yuhi carrying a bag. Sumire blinked, but then she caught a whiff of the items. "Give me."

Yuhi chuckled. "You still have a craving for these, huh?"

"Yuhi," Hino said sharply.

"Pregnant women get cravings. Sumire craves these pastries the same time every day."

Sumire tilted her head confused. Is that why she gets cravings for random things recently? Well, whatever it was, she opened the bag up, and inside was the usual pastries.

"Don't eat so fast; there are plenty."

"Yuhi." Sumire extended one towards him.

He bent down and ate the piece of pie from her fingers. Her eyes widened at this action of his. Thump-thump, Sumire felt the rapid sound of her heartbeat again. It felt stupid getting nervous, but she glanced over at Yuhi and saw a foolish smile.