
This is not the first time where Yuhi's cooking tasted familiar. But where could she have eaten it before? Her thoughts broke off when Yuhi pulled out a lighter and cigarettes. She raised her eyebrow, and he paused.

"Can I?" He asked.

Sumire sighs. "Go ahead."

He placed a sloppy kiss on her cheek and mumbled the words I love you before he started to smoke. 

She stole a glance at Hino, who was on the phone to somebody. A frustrated look appears on his face. 

She vaguely hears the words Sano and comes here, when she felt Yuhi grab her hands. He grinned. "I have an idea, why don't I feed you?"

"I'm not a child."

She won't tell him the real reason why she is acting stubborn. A few minutes ago, she decided to maintain some distance around Yuhi. It does neither of them any good behaving like this all the time.

Yuhi raised his eyebrows at her reluctance. "You're right, you're not a child. I wouldn't date a child."