To each their own tale Part 1

The beginning is the end, and the end is the beginning. Well then, let us begin again. And to each, their own tale.

Yuhi did not know how long he was running for but by the time his legs finally gave out, he found himself in an abandoned alleyway. When he looked up all he could see was pitch red skies. The moon looked unusually red too. To normal citizens the moon and skies did not look this way. But it was different for him. The throbbing pain in his eyes and his head. His parched throat and the pain from the wounds he sustained.

It hurts, this is painful.

Yuhi slumped onto the ground and he leaned on the wall clutching his right eye. They were both in pain but the one that hurt the most was his right eye. Despite his weak state he knew there were no signs of civilization in this area. This is a good thing. Those people from before are no more too. With his own hands he once again ended a life no several.

These hands he used to hold her.