Only One Part Part 6

This is one of the things he admired about her. How can she be so strong despite having such bad health? She is physically and emotionally weak, and yet she can do something like this. But even now, Ran noticed it, the lonely look that flashed through her eyes.

Even now, she is shouldering something heavy.

"" One of the guys said weakly.

"Hm? What's this, were they friends of yours, Wei?"

Wei shook her head. "Hardly. But they have been following me around a lot. When I told them that I follow someone else, they didn't believe me." Wei trailed off. "I am somewhat sorry about this, Sumire-san.."

"No, it's fine." Sumire bends down at the barely conscious guy. "Doing something like this is fine and all. However, think of the order of opponents first before you fight."

With those words said, Sumire picked her bag up and walked in his direction. It was far too late for him to find somewhere to hide.