Saintly Teritory Part 4

Tetsuo does not see her for a few days.

He naturally assumed that she was recovering from her fever since he seldom saw her at work or another ball. He does not ask about her condition, but he knew that at one point, it grew dire since Ran started to fuss about bringing her food. From what he understood, she was refusing meals.

His eyes widened when he spotted who was at the gate. There stood a girl with long brunette hair wearing a red and white colored sports jacket and a pair of denim-colored shorts. 

"Ah, welcome back."


The girl was not alone, but Terashima was with her. He tapped her shoulder. "Hey, remember?"

A deep sigh escaped her lips before she quickly bowed. "I apologize for my behavior the other night."

Her behavior? It took him a moment to understand what she was talking about. Is she apologizing for crying?

"You do not have to apologize."

"That's what I said to Yuhi, but he told me to come here."