I believe in happiness with you.

It was the smell of food that lured her away from laying back down. Or maybe it was the sudden desire to see Yuhi, but after the call, she came downstairs.

There is something about Terashima Yuhi cooking that has her feeling nervous and in a daze. She has not moved for the last few minutes and stared at him. 'Somehow, this feels like they are married.' Him cooking for her like this after she wakes up feeling unwell. Since they moved in together, Sumire noticed these things, but she didn't pay much attention to it until now.

This is very strange. 

Why is Yuhi cooking for her like this?

"Hey, love." Yuhi greeted with a bright smile. "Come over here? I haven't finished yet, but I want you to get closer."

Sumire nodded dumbly, and it felt like he used a spell to call her over since she walked over obediently. 

The moment she came over, Yuhi stopped cooking and backed her against the counter. He intertwined their hands together.