So they ponder about change

A few hours later

It did not take long before they arrived at the station. After they arrived at the ticket gates, they arrived at the meeting spot. She stopped, and so did Yuhi. 

"In any case, today turned out to be a good learning experience. Thank you very much."

Yuhi spent the last few hours showing her different sculpting techniques.

Sumire bowed, honestly expressing her appreciation. It is rare for any good artist to teach their techniques to others. The truly successful ones keep everything to themselves. Even though he was spartan about it, he still taught her well. 

When Aika and Asami heard that Yuhi was teaching her, they looked very surprised. It seems like Yuhi has never taught anybody before, and that was why no new student approaches him. Sumire wondered what the reason was. Many students were younger than them who often hung around the senior classrooms to ask for help, but nobody approached Yuhi.