
"You will catch a cold. Let's go inside." He said, averting his gaze. 

For some reason, he could not meet her eyes. No, it's normal, after he just heard her whisper another man's name. That longing look and painful gaze. In the end, he is the cause of it. 

He knew that nothing would stop the two from getting together and nothing stopping her from admitting her feelings for him. It would not stop her from leaving him. If it weren't for him, she would have left a long time ago.

Had it not been for that promise, surely she would have left him already. Soujiro knew that, and that's why he wasn't going to do anything more than this. He wasn't going to try and step over the boundary anymore.

Sumire laughed softly. "Aren't you forcing yourself too much? I won't bite."

Soujiro sighed. "This is not funny."

"Mmm, but I thought it would surprise you more seeing me today."