Fear is proof

"I see you figured it out. That's right; it's only natural to be. Someone like me has always been empty, after all. "

Sumire shook. "It's quite alright."

"Then may I ask, under what circumstances did you use to write those lyrics?"

She was silent for a few minutes before she extended her hand out, almost as though she was trying to capture the stars with her palm. Even though they were indoors, he felt this way.

"When I'm feeling insecure. Like when Yuhi and I were not together, I felt so useless at that time. All I could do was wait. Yet, it was because of that we were all pleased when we saw each other again. I hate it, you know? The feeling of being weak and powerless. Even though that place was my home, it was suffocating and stifling all the time. The only times I found light were when I was with or whenever I sang. That's why the second I realized my strength, and I wanted to use it to change something. To change this net called time."