Petty Jealousy


When he learned from Hino that Terashima Yuhi was around too, Sano immediately headed back into the shop. He half expected to find the two kissing or doing something but instead they were just standing there.

"I don't think I can say it if you look at me like that."

Yuhi laughed. "It almost sounds like you want to confess to me."

Sumire rolled her eyes. "Why would I have to confess, your already mine."

"Indeed." Sano watched as Terashima turned around. "Alright then, go ahead."

"It is a bit uh weird to say, but I am very reassured that we are working alongside each other as partners again. I mean after you left things were very bad for me, I lost control a lot and went off on my own, in short I was a troublemaker. With you by my side I feel like I can do anything, so, uh thank you."

Sanos eyes widened when he saw this scene and heard her words. This is the first time he has ever seen Sumire look like that.