The Past- Mamoru and Sumire Part 7

All humans are cruel. In people's hearts, there exists something dark and corrupted. I don't think there is anybody in this world who is truly good.

Back then, he tried to persuade her that isn't the case. But it was only because he wanted to see the good in humans. He also understood her line of thinking; after all, one would only have to look at the adults in the institute. 

There was a time where he got tired of it. How many more times would they beat him to death and revive him before they got their desired results? The only times he got a break were during dawn, when the guards would finally get tired and sleep. 

How many times did he wish that he would just stay dead longer than a few minutes? Every single time he came back to life, it felt like he would lose something valuable. He didn't understand what that something was, but he felt that if this kept up the next time they revived him, he would no longer be the same him.