An honest conclusion

Now, this was more like her; for a while, the girl had been acting strangely meek like she used to. But even he understood that there was something wrong with that behaviour of hers. 

Sano sniggered, causing her to frown. "This isn't funny, and I am serious."

"As I am. But you know, even if you tell me this stuff now, I have a hard time adjusting. So you don't want me to project your past self onto your current, but you've always said that some traits remain the same. I will acknowledge that you have changed, but even if you have, your still the same girl that I fell in love with." He trailed off. "I cant outright agree with what you say. Do you really think things will change if I follow you?"

"How should I know unless you try it? What I do understand is the current situation isn't good for anyone."

"What if things fail?"