
Yuhi walked over and slipped the jacket from her shoulders, and replaced it with a poncho. "Wear this."

"En thank you, Yuhi."

He had to look away once he saw the bright smile on her face. This is bad; each action of hers is driving him crazy. This girl most likely has no idea what sort of impact she has on him. But even if she did know, he doubts the situation would change.

"Wear this out." Yuhi grabbed her hand. He didn't want to stay here any longer. The girls had stopped talking, but he could still feel how hostile they were.

"The payment?"

Yuhi turned to the staff. "We will put it on your card, sir."

He didn't want to deal with those girls anymore and quickly left with Sumire. The moment they left, she buried her face in his arms. "Dearest, thank you."

This silly girl must have been nervous this entire time. Yuhi leaned down and kissed her forehead softly. "Mm, anytime. Do you want to go home?"