Odd acceptance

'Why am I not the one standing by her side?' Sano knew he would be unable to take the sight any longer, so he quickly stepped out of the room. The moment he did, the doors behind him shut, and he realized that somebody followed him out.

Kiragi Asuka, she was the first one to notice that there was something different about him. She saw through his gentleman facade he put on. 


"It seems that warning wasn't enough for you."


That's right, the warning. It referred to when Sumire's best friend, Momoi Futaba, beat him up. It happened shortly after the incident where Kanagawa rescued Sumire in the bar. It seemed the pink-haired woman heard about it and didn't hesitate to march into his company and beat him to a pulp.


The girl was the only one who hit him, but somebody silently stood by and watched.


"Do you regret not hitting me yourself?"