I was truly happy

When Sumire woke up, beams of light filtered through the curtains into the room indicating it was the following day already. It seems she slept for a long time, she even missed out on lunch and dinner. But how could she possibly have thought of food after what happened? The events of last night replayed in her mind and she felt her cheeks burn red. It seems she will have to re-evaluate her assessment of Yuhi-san's hormone levels. 

'I thought I already understood what he meant by holding back but isn't that a bit too much?' Now she finally understood why he often said things like she shouldn't get embarrassed. 

Her gaze fell on the mirror above the bed and slipped the blanket of her shoulders. What she saw shocked her. The amount of markings Yuhi made on her were enough to cover every inch of her skin. She covered her face with her hands, embarrassed.