The colour of the night sky

Hino raised his eyebrow, and then he nodded. "You've been acting strange around him recently like you just re-discovered your feelings."

"After dancing with him that time, I started to recall the reason why I fell for him." Sumire trailed off. "That smile of his is truly a crime."

That cheerful and bright smile that is so unlike him, no unexpectedly it suited him. 

"The reason being?"

"Yuhi is handsome, brave, and intelligent. What is there not to like?"

Hino rolled his eyes and sighed. "Those reasons are superficial. I know you like good-looking guys. But that's not the main reason."

This guy is getting better and better at understanding her. Then again, it seems like they knew each other in the past.

'I still don't have all my memories of that time, but one thing is clear. This person cares for me.'