
It is not like she doesn't understand where they are coming from, but it is frustrating sitting around and doing nothing all day. However, she can use any of the empty rooms in Soujiro's mansion to practice. It is hard to do so with the servant's watchful gaze on her.

"Mmm, but together. I don't want you to stain your hands."

That would have sounded sweet, but she felt his hands on the zipper of her dress. "What are you doing Yuhi-san?"


"No," Sumire growled. "I am angry. If you were having such a hard time, you should have told me."

"I know, I'm sorry. Please don't be mad."

She understood why he did it. Lately, she has been very distressed about returning to the entertainment circle. Yuhi most likely didn't tell her because he didn't want her to worry. But the more he does stuff like this, the more troubled she will feel.

'I appreciate it, but I can't allow him to continue getting hurt for me.'