Innocent Wind Part 1

It started the same as usual, the same tiring dream where he was in a green field. It was a bright and warm sunny day. 

Jun never understood how he got there. He was aware it was a dream, but it was an unusual one. People normally dream of things that have happened to them. But he has never been to such a place before. The sky never changed; it was the same as ever—a sky with no clouds, the sound of chirping birds.

Nearby the field was a forest, but he never went inside. There is an unspoken rule never to enter a forest, even more so in dreams. Jun sat down by the large tree and stared at the sky.

Now that he thought about it, perhaps this is a familiar place. The school courtyard in Tsukuhara high school is vast, and there is even a chapel in the back. He would often fall asleep there, and Sumire-san would always be the first one to find him. 

'Go back; you cannot stay here.'