That is my dream

If her voice still has such power, she wants to use it if there's still something left that she can do here. 


Her eyes widened when she heard him say her name. Since the first day she met this person, he seldom used her name. Whenever he does, it is usually for something serious.

"I'm not going to lie and say it's okay and that you didn't do anything wrong. However, it's not up to you to decide whether or not ythey will forgive you. They will decide that. I'll tell you straight, I never once blamed you for leaving. Even if the others don't forgive you, just remember that we in Nanairo feather will always be your friends. We will always be your ally."

Ah this is so stupid. 

"If you all wanted to see me that badly you could have just said."

Masaru sighed. "Your very stubborn lady; those guys understand it well. They are respecting your wishes."

"What about you?"