2012- The Diary Entries

Moreover, he knew how important the girl's dream was. "The good news is. This girl is more talented than me. All she has to do is debut, and after a few singles, she will match me easily."

"But debuting, you know she-"

"I know, and that's why she has to find a better company. I am sure many are willing to poach her over."

"I will look into it."

"Mamoru, you have to take care of her while I am gone. No, until she is ready to go to Tokyo."

If Sumire takes the music scene seriously, she will eventually go to Tokyo. In that place, they will meet again, and then maybe he can confess to her once again. When she has more confidence, perhaps they can be together properly.

His gaze fell on Mamoru, who was looking at her concerned. "However, if something happens between you two while I am gone, then that is fine too."