Can't use them as reference

Sumire frantically shook her head. She needs to stop finding ways to make Yuhi leave her. Moreover, Asuka's words echoed in her head. It is unlike Asuka to speak so fondly of another person. 

But Asuka also said, 'nagawa isn't a bad guy.' 

"So hey," Yuhi brushed his lips across her ear. "--how much longer are you going to avoid me?"

"I'm no-t avoiding you."

"Right, last night too. Even when I was holding you, you looked away."

'That's only because I thought I would die of embarrassment.'* But Yuhi-san is so oblivious to these things. He has know idea how bad the stuff he does to her heart.    

However she felt that even if he knew, he wouldn't stop. After all he likes openly displaying his affections for her. This is not her first relationship already, she dated Sano, Toh, Ren and Mamoru. That is a total four guys! Three in the span of a year too.