Blue string

Yuhi looked up, and their gaze briefly met. "I didn't think I would catch you staring."

Sumire felt heat creep onto her face. "I was just thinking that you really are too kind; even now, that hasn't changed."

Even now, there is an aura of kindness around this person. Moreover, she felt her heartbeat increase. The feelings she no longer wants to acknowledge are still there.

"You're the kind one, aren't you?"

T--thats, she looked down. "You know that isn't true."

It isn't true. Because never once has her actions made anyone happy. Even now, she still doesn't understand why they all stay by her side. Why do they all still remain kind to her? Even when she's like this.

"Hey," Yuhi said, breaking her thoughts. "Do you know the meaning of being weak? It's people who always say, "I can't." Those kinds of people don't necessarily mean they "can't," but they just don't."