Awkward meeting

It was a coincidence that she ended up in the same cafe as Yuhi-san, the childhood friend, and Hino. When she saw her dear, she wanted to attack him, but when he saw him happily chatting with that carefree smile on his face. Sumire found herself hiding behind a pot of plants.

Sumire sighed deeply. What on earth is she doing? 'I have already monopolized Yuhi-san for three days.' After she picked him up from his friend's place, she ensured that he stayed home. It was difficult at; first; that guy is a workaholic. Fortunately, she made up a good enough excuse to make him stay.

'I didn't have to lie. I still wasn't well myself. All I had to do was say I didn't want to be alone.' Yuhi can be guilable at times. Or maybe he is just a fool? Sumire thought she was doing a good job hiding, but it did not take long before Hino found her.

"Instead of sneaking around, just show your face." Hino sighed. He didn't wait for her response and dragged her over to where Yuhi was.