I want to continue trusting him

Soujiro is very strange, though. How can he talk so calmly about her and Yuhi getting married? She tried to inquire about his feelings, the last time, but he quickly shifted the topic. Even if she does not ask, it has already become obvious to her. This person likes her, but he intends to keep his feelings sealed away, unlike the other guys who have confessed.

There are still many things she does not understand about romance. Soujiro is older than her by five years; perhaps that is the reason why she does not understand what he is thinking.

Her thoughts break off when Soujiro puts extra sugar cubes into her coffee. He did it so casually that nobody noticed it. Her gaze softened, even though she did not understand what he was thinking. They have always naturally gotten along with each other.

Yuhi suddenly stood up. He bent down and whispered something in her ear before exiting the room.

"Did a problem arise?"