Hold you

One of the many challenges a girl has to face in their life is their period.

'Since coming here, due to the stress levels, it does not happen as frequently.' It stopped before when she got pregnant, and afterward, her cycle became irregular for awhile.

After doing homework with Yuhi, she felt the familiar pain and crawled under the sheets.

But when she checked in the toilet, she was not bleeding. Then, is this due to the irregular cycle? Does her stomach just hurt?

'I didn't eat anything bad either.'

Sumire tilted her head puzzled. Maybe it's a side effect of the new medicine San gave her recently? He did tell her that the new medicine would have unexpected side effects.

Is this one of them? Fortunately, it is not her period; otherwise, she wouldn't be able to fool around with Yuhi-san.

He acts like a lion who finally had it's shackles released. It would be a problem for them both if she was on it.