I know what you want

"But she really is a fine woman. Too bad she has gone through some messed up shit. Hey, how many times has she cheated on you?"


"Because I want to be the next one--" Kei paused, hearing his words. "Zero?"

"You heard me."

"Huh, that's unusual. Were the rumors wrong?"

"A rumor?"

"They said she is a slut who would sleep with anybody. Judging from her looks I thought it was true."

It's just a simple rumor and yet if Kei believed it, then there must be more to it. How annoying, how many more rumors are there about her?

'I thought I was doing a good job destroying those rumors but it seems like I have missed a few.'

"But you're serious?"

"Is it bad if I am?" Yuhi questioned.

What is Kei even doing here? It seems like he has returned from abroad for a while now. If he wanted to harass him regarding Sumire, he would have easily done so a long time ago. But, he is only waiting now.