
It makes sense for there to be lightning bolts between Yuhi and Sano. After all, Sano supposedly likes her. But why are there some around Kei too? Her gaze met his and his lips curved to a teasing grin. This person isn't serious at all, is he?

"Terashima, let's talk." Sano is the first to break the silence. "Alone." He quickly added.

Sumire stood protectively in front of Yuhi. "About what?"

Sano sighed at her reaction, almost like he expected it.

"It's about what we discussed just now. Unless you want me to say out here?"

Oh, that's right, Kei is here. Her thoughts broke off when she felt Yuhi's lips on her cheek.

"Stay here and behave; no messing around."

Ah her dearest knew! That annoying Kei, what did he tell him? 

Sumire tugged on his sleeve. "I will mess around, but with you."

Yuhi's lips curved to a grin. "Then that's the plan after we get rid of the two intruders."