A sweet love song

Two hours later, in one of the training rooms.

"My world has become a lot more intriguing and unbelievable." Sumire sang.

"I even thought that this was a dream bestowed by heaven." Yuhi sang.

"I had to confirm this reality from the warmth of your hands to the beat of your heart." Sumire sang.

"-dare I say, I love you." Yuhi sang. "Oi, not again."

"B-but-" Sumire stammered.

"You always freeze up when we share lines." Yuhi walked over to the music player and switched it off. "Shouldn't singing a love song with the man you love be easy?"

"Mister, I think your ego has gotten larger. Why are you so confident?"

"I received a confession right before we started to practice; of course, I am confident."

A confession? Sumire recalled what she said and sighed. "If that's your idea of a confession, I can see why the first time was so bad."