Be Proud Part 4

It was difficult huh? This is the first time hearing Yuhi speak of this.

'I thought it would be simple for the two of them to start dating since Sumire already liked Yuhi. But it seems Yuhi has had his own fair share of troubles.'

Then again, there have been signs. It's not like this happened out of nowhere.

"My dear, you're making me sound so needy." A familiar voice said.

He looked over and spotted Sumire. She had returned with Nakura Shin and was pouting.

"I'm just talking about my struggles. You said it yourself, that loving me was painful."

"Ah you're holding a grudge! My dear you know that's not what I meant." Sumire rushed over and clung to his arm. "If you don't believe me, I will cry."

"Pfft." Yuhi cupped her cheeks. "I find your tears pretty, so I wouldn't mind."