Casual invitation

"Then, if that's the case, go out with me sometime."

"For work?" Sumire wondered.

"No, just us two. If I call it a date, you'd probably just refuse, but friends can hang out, can't they?"

That's true but isn't he basically admitting it is a date? Even if they are close friends, and even if she knows he won't do anything. It would be wrong of her to accept.

"I will ask Yuhi."

For matters like this, she cannot decide on her own.

"Sure, you can do that. But you already know what he will say, right?"

Sumire frowned. Indeed, she could see it now. 'Since it's Hino, it is okay.' She sighed deeply.

"Yuhi-san has no idea how that makes me feel. I understand that he trusts you. But he should know about your feelings for me."

Hino sighed in agreement. "Yeah, but I am sure I told you how bad that guy is at romance."