I felt empty

"You know, whenever you kiss me like this, it feels like all my accumulated fatigue vanishes entirely. Even without sleeping for three days, I can still put in the effort-" He loosens her dress slightly.

"Effort into what exactly?" Sumire questioned.

"You know, stuff," Yuhi replied vaguely. Does he truly have to spell it out?

Sumire hits him across the head with a toy hammer. 'I haven't seen that in a long time.' She used to bring it out a lot before they dated and when they first started dating. Even if it is a toy, due to Sumire's strength, it actually hurt when she hit him.

Yuhi rubbed his head. "I don't know what's worse, that hammer or your solid punch."

Sumire raised her fists. "Do you want to find out?"

"No, thank you, mam."

"Honestly, sometimes I wonder what goes in your head."

"We spoke about this before, and you already know my answer." Yuhi paused. "But I suppose right now I am thinking about our future."