
June 24th, Tokyo, 9:00am.

On the morning of Sumire's birthday, Toh was in the middle of the final preparations for opening his new brand store when Narasaki Hino walked in. Toh stared at Hino, stunned; he had arranged a meeting with him. But it wasn't until a few days later. 

Hino looked around. "Are you the only one here?"

"Yeah, I told the employees not to come till the opening day."

Or rather, he was a bit of a perfectionist, so he tends to shoo away his staff during the last few days before the opening,

"I see." Hino trailed off. "So, what did you want from me? Make it quick."

"Are you in a hurry because of Sumire's birthday?"

"We had plans today, but-" Hino held up his phone.

From: Sumire

Hino, I'm sorry, but I have a forty-degree fever.

Can we do something at home instead?