Like a dream Part 5

Toh's car is waiting for him a few blocks away from Sumire's house. He quickly gets inside, and Toh starts driving away. Neither of them said a word, but after a few minutes, Toh spoke up.

"I didn't think you would actually come to see her."

Mamoru felt his cheeks redden. "I've been holding back, you know?"

He has been holding himself back from seeing and touching her. Mamoru recalled that brief kiss, and his face turned redder. Her lips were soft like usual, and she smelled of flowers. No, no, no. Mamoru frantically shakes his head. He is starting to sound like a creep, what on earth is he thinking?

"So? How was she?"

"I stand by my words from the other day. I think she needs your help." Mamoru trailed off. "But I don't want to leave it completely in your hands."

Toh sighed. "What was I thinking encouraging you of all people? Well, no matter. Sumire will still come with me."