
Toh felt a mixture of different emotions, mainly regrets. 'Why wasn't I there? I should have returned sooner.' He would have returned much sooner if it weren't for that dammed incident. But, had he done so, Terashima Yuhi would have been here. No matter how confident he is about getting Sumire back, Terashima is still unpredictable. 

He doesn't know him well enough to understand what will happen if he properly confronts him regarding Sumire.

Terashima's absence benefits him more than anyone knows.

"You really did need a roommate." Toh ended up saying.

Sumire laughed. "But, did it have to be you?"

"Who else would it have been?"

Surely there are no other candidates around her.

"Hino." Sumire trailed off and laughed again. "But he is far too safe. He would never have agreed to it. He is already very disturbed with the rumors going on around about us."

Of course, she says Narasaki.

"But, he hasn't done anything to stop it?"