Red Feather Part 7

Yuhi wasn't sure how much sleep he got or if he even got any sleep. He devoured her over and over until he no longer had any energy. He has always boasted about his stamina, but it truly felt like Sumire lasted longer than him. 

They briefly had a moment together in the morning before the dream space faded. Yuhi remembered watching her sleep, savoring the image of her naked and sleeping peacefully on his chest.

He may have only slept for a few hours, but it was enough. Enough knowing that Sumire was there by his side. 

'I probably won't be able to do that again anytime soon.' He hid it very well, but holding that space up took a lot of strength. Entering a person's dream isn't difficult, but transporting them to a dream space using their real bodies? Now that took a lot of energy.