Blue Wind Part 2

That does make sense. But he doesn't think she ought to sacrifice her dreams just to avoid conflict. 

Sumire laughed weakly. "I would be lying to say I don't want to enter. Did you think I accumulated all those points last year for nothing?"

So she still wants to participate. Sumire is now able to sing on stage and do jobs. In the eyes of the general public, Sumire has fully recovered. But Shin knew that it wasn't that simple. Her fears and traumas cannot disappear that easily.

"I wish you would have the freedom to do whatever you want."

Before Sumire responded, however, the doors opened, revealing Mashima.

"Hi beautiful."

Sumire immediately rushed over to Mashima with a concerned look on her face. "Toh--you seem a bit-"

"I'm alright." Toh pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly. "God, it's only been a few days, but I have missed you like crazy."