You are the secret which blooms in my heart Part 8


When Toh returned, he noticed that Sumire had unpaused the movie and was jotting something down in her notebook. He raised his eyebrow at this. What kind of notes could she possibly be taking? Toh quietly rolled the trolley of food towards the bed, careful not to make too much noise. His gaze fell on the notes Sumire was writing, and he blinked.

"If I didn't know any better beautiful. I would think you were a pervert." Toh commented.

Sumire's cheeks flushed red noticing him. "D-Don't sneak up on me like that!"

"Food is ready." Toh declared. "I didn't think you liked the movie so much." He takes a seat beside her, and returned his hand to her legs.

"I don't. It's your average B rated movie. I was just thinking that these scenes were interesting. It's for practical purposes."

That should make him cringe knowing that she is making references for Terashima and her to be intimate. But, how could he be upset when she is making a cute face?