Glorious Sunshine Part 15


After Hino left, she just couldn't focus. So, she exited the room, to get some fresh air.

That was weird.

Very weird.

Hino has praised her singing before, but this is the first time she is feeling this way because of it. Sumire shakes her head. It's true they have gotten a lot closer since Yuhi-san left. But, it's not like she loves him, at least not romantically. There is love there, but not romantic one.

Sumire walked over to the vending machines, and was about to slide some coins in. When someone reached over and inserted coins before her, and picked the drink she wanted. She turned to spot Masato.

She laughed softly. "I should have known that you would follow me."

"I've been meaning to get in touch. But since we were coming here anyway, I figured it would wait."

"Are you upset I contacted Mikaze-kun first?" Sumire wondered seeing the complicated look on Masato's face.